Thursday, February 16, 2012

17 things I learnt in 17 days

  1. Danes aren't that perfect as I thought, which really comforts me.
  2. Danes do not know courses: they just make a weird mixture of a three-course meal.
  3. Point number 2 is like a blasphemy to any average italian person.
  4. Danes like buttons.
  5. I can't use buttons. All I need is an on/off thing.
  6. I have no idea how I could've lived all my life without a microwave oven.
  7. If you see a friendly washing machine window picture on a powder box, doesn't necessarily mean it's soap.
  8. It could be an anti-scaling agent.
  9. Yes, it was.
  10. Yes, I've washed my clothes with it before realizing it wasn't soap.
  11. Yes, I'm stupid.
  12. Italians abroad seem to be identifiable by the way they're dressed.
  13. Still wondering why.
  14. You can actually tell how much money a Dane has from what he drinks.
  15. I can't go a day without missing at least one bus.
  16. How can you even call it coffee?!
  17. I seriously need to get used to bikes ringing at me. Like "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!"


  1. Are you going to write only ordered-list posts? I can go through on it, I just want to be prepared to.

    Gigia :*

    1. I'm not able to write a real post in English. Lists save me from subordinate clauses and blah blah blah, so yeah. Palloso.

      18. Michele eats corn-soup.

      Tivvubbì :P
